Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Da Vinci Code??? - Holy Schmoly!!

Hey Everyone,

Well I am not doing another bashing here - I intend to through some light (holy?) to the subject. I was quite intrigued by the entire saga of the Da Vinci Code and the themes proposed - Christ was married and may have siblings!!!!!

Now thats Holy Christ!!! (Sorry for any blasphemy - but I'm no christian!!!!)

I think after seeing Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - the idea of a relic as the cup of christ has been more than compelling. So any book questioning this was very intriguing and exciting.

So I started exploring a bit and came across this book called Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh. Well to set records straight, this is no novel as many might think. This is actually a documentary based on facts, researched documents and ample references.

If you are intrigued as to what actually happened - I suggest you check out the book for yourselves - its quite a heavy read and I am still reading - but believe me - history is not so clean as it is projected!!!

The truth is out there!!!!!!!!!!! (ha ha ha)



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